
Hobby Farming: An Introductory Guide

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Hobby Farming: An Introductory Guide

If you are one of the thousands of people who want to move to the country and grow a lot of peaches (or cattle or berries or alfalfa), you are a lot like me. Five or six years ago, owning a farm seemed like an impossible dream. However, with a bit of a push from some good friends, I decided to dive in. My husband and I bought a small plot of land, and we never looked back. Now, our hobby farm is successful both as a hobby and as a money-making pursuit. I decided to create this blog to help people who don't have friends cheering them on like we did. In this blog, I am going to cover every aspect of hobby farming from planting seeds to buying land to choosing the right insurance and more. Before you know it, you should have the farming knowledge you need!



Caring For A Potted Plant: Mistakes To Avoid

Potted plants are an excellent option for homeowners who don't have a lot of space for an outdoor garden but still wish to grow plants and herbs. After all, potted plants require little space and can be placed just about anywhere with adequate sunlight. However, caring for a potted plant isn't always easy--especially for beginning gardeners. In fact, there are a few common mistakes people make when caring for potted plants that can result in the plants failing to grow or dying: Read More 

Protecting Your Business: What Are The Different Classes Of Fire Extinguishers?

If you own and operate a business, protecting your business, employees and customers or clients should be top priority. One of the ways to do this is to buy a fire extinguisher from a company like Echo Fire Protection. Every building structure should have at least one fire extinguisher, preferably one on every floor. If you are responsible for buying the fire extinguisher, you might be confused about which one is best. Read More