
Hobby Farming: An Introductory Guide

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Hobby Farming: An Introductory Guide

If you are one of the thousands of people who want to move to the country and grow a lot of peaches (or cattle or berries or alfalfa), you are a lot like me. Five or six years ago, owning a farm seemed like an impossible dream. However, with a bit of a push from some good friends, I decided to dive in. My husband and I bought a small plot of land, and we never looked back. Now, our hobby farm is successful both as a hobby and as a money-making pursuit. I decided to create this blog to help people who don't have friends cheering them on like we did. In this blog, I am going to cover every aspect of hobby farming from planting seeds to buying land to choosing the right insurance and more. Before you know it, you should have the farming knowledge you need!



4 Ways To Get Enough Nitrogen For Your Organic Corn Patch

Sweet corn is a staple crop for market growers and personal gardeners alike in most areas that provide the hot summers this grain needs to mature. If you've recently changed over to using organic growing methods in your garden or farm, you might find it tricky to grow healthy sweet corn for the farmer's market or your own table. Try these tricks for increasing nitrogen organically for lush, green growth early in the season. Read More